Our services

Whether you want to complete your down payment for the purchase of a home, redecorate it or refinance your existing home loans personal needs we can find solutions suitable to your repayment capacity.

If you are an entrepreneur, we have all the products that suit your business development. When you need additional capital for the purpose of purchasing stocks, credits for working capital they are friendly in terms of repayment schedules, because they are adapted to the business cycle and repayment capacity. When you want to build the cash flow of your current activity and you need predictability, the correlation of payment terms with that of receipts, you can opt for the products intended to finance receivables, respectively factoring or discounting, aso that you have rhythmic, orderly capital inflows, without syncopation.

For those who have projects that benefit from non-reimbursable funding, we make a good team with any funding authority, in the sense that we can complete the part of cofinancing that you need for the project to be implemented on time and produce the expected fruits.

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